I’m sitting on Henry ‘s porch at Eric’s in Spencertown. Its 8:07 pm and the frogs have just begun their evening chorus around the pond. I’m numb from the days of overwhelming details and work. The10x10 storage unit (with 12’ ceiling) is packed tight up to the Gate. Poppa Jenk’s chair did not fit so it went into Eric’s dry basement along with crates of books and practice materials and mishmash of toiletries I’ll pick up in August when I pass through here again.
I’m sitting in an arondack chair with a glass of red wine and a vista of late spring green ridge and lots of bursting garden beds. I’m here but somehow still moving. The momentum was building for months before the actual packing began and it may take a while for it to dissipate and my mind to relax. It was raining in NYC while they were loading the truck and continued to drizzle and pour all the way to Philmont. Luckily the sun was still visible up here and we loaded the storage unit dry. I have an appalling amount of stuff. Appalling to me because I remember how much I had when I moved into that apt 7 years ago and it’s just about doubled. I always think its better, I feel better certainly, when there are not a lot of things to look after. But somehow stuff sneaked up on me these last few years. Every time I have moved I’ve had to come face to face with who I’ve been the last few years via the stuff I’ve been attached to and there is nothing that makes that less painful. It could be interesting as well, but the moving of it is monumental.
Sadness is my general feeling today. People are saying to me “are you excited?” But I’m not there at the moment. I had a tearful good bye with Melissa today, who has been a good friend close friend and confidante. She took half a day off to help send me off. I had lots of help which was gratefully easy to engage. I can’t thank Ian, Irene, Melissa, and Alison enough.
The next few days will be busy still – preparing for a retreat I am coordinating in Vermont next week; and tying up loose ends from moving. Also beginning to relate with the road trip that begins immediately after Vermont. Here at Eric’s I will do my meditation practice with a lot of support from the environment – physical and people-wise. It should provide a means of relaxing with all the changes.